Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 1

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 1

Read Genesis 37:1-36

Gen. 37:1-4

1. Actions of:

a. Joseph:

b. Brothers:

*Extra Insight- Tunic of Many colors:

The real idea behind the ancient Hebrew phrase for “tunic of many colors” is that it was a tunic extending all the way down to the wrists and ankles, as opposed to a shorter one. This was not what a working man wore. It was a garment of privilege and status. [1]

Joseph was the ___________ son of Jacob.

2. What are the negative aspects of praising someone or showing favoritism? Read 1 John 2:16, Prov. 16:18

“God has a big destiny in mind for Joseph—and He knew that prideful attitude would have to go, if Joseph were to succeed.”[2]

Gen. 37:5-8

1. Actions of:

a. Joseph-

b. Brothers-

2. Why do you think Joseph shared his dream with his brothers?

Gen. 37:9-11

1. Actions of:

i. Joseph:

ii. Brothers:

2. Why do you think Joseph’s brothers reacting so negatively to Joseph’s dreams?

3. What can jealousy do to a person? Read Gen. 4:6-7, Acts 13:44-45.

Gen. 37:12-36

1. How do the brothers react to Joseph when they see him coming?

2. Why might Reuben have responded in this way? Read Gen. 35:22

3. What becomes of Joseph after he is sold into slavery?


1. How have you played the part of Joseph’s brothers? What hurt did it cause?

2. How have you played the part of Joseph in your life and family? What was the outcome?

Joseph had to be ___________before he could live out his God-given destiny.

[1] Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 37." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 6 Sep 2012.
[2]Morris, Robert. From Dream to Destiny: The Ten Tests You Must Go Through to Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life. (Ventura: Regal Books), 17.

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