Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Life of Joseph: Video Lesson #2

During this lesson we look at Genesis 39 the temptation and the unjust imprisonment of Joseph.  Often times difficulties, such as Joseph experienced cause us to question God.

Where is God is our confusing times?  Here we talk about how God desires for us to see the bigger picture and trust Him through the struggle.

Please click the link to listen and watch!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 2

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part II
Read Genesis 39:1-23
Gen. 39:1-6
1. How is Joseph experiencing God’s favor?

2. What did Potiphar recognize in Joseph’s life?

Why is this important for us as Christ-followers today?

3. Why was Joseph successful?

Gen. 39:7-20
1. Why does Joseph decline Potiphar’s wife sexual advance? List 3 reasons.
“When I regarded God as a tyrant, I thought sin a trifle; but when I knew him to be my father, then I mourned that I could ever have kicked against him. When I thought that God was hard, I found it easy to sin; but when I found God so kind, so good, so overflowing with compassion, I smote upon my breast to think that I could ever have rebelled against one who loved me so, and sought my good (Spurgeon).”[1]
2. Looking at v. 10, what might it imply?
How is sin progressive? What can we learn from Joseph?

3. How does she respond to his rejection?

Gen. 39:21-23
1. What happens to Joseph while he is in prison?  
Let’s reflect on Joseph’s circumstances. Genesis 39:2 says, “The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man.” Which from the outside looking in, he was successful. However, Gen. 39:21 also says, “the Lord was with him, he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.”


2. Does this look like favor from our perspective? Why or why not?

“Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense.”[2]
*Application-What does the life of Joseph and God’s Word teach us about our painful/confusing circumstances? Romans 5:3-5, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28

1. What about your own life? Have you ever been falsely accused?

2. Have you ever felt abandoned by God? How did you respond?

On the way to his destiny Joseph would learn to trust in God’s ________.

[1]Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 39." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 6 Sep 2012.
[2] Oswald Chambers and James Reimann, My Utmost for His Highest - Updated, Rev Upd ed. (Grand Rapids. MI: Discovery House Publishers, 2006), Aug. 29.

The Life of Joseph: Video Lesson #1

Please follow the link to listen to our first lesson which goes alongside of study #1.

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 1

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 1

Read Genesis 37:1-36

Gen. 37:1-4

1. Actions of:

a. Joseph:

b. Brothers:

*Extra Insight- Tunic of Many colors:

The real idea behind the ancient Hebrew phrase for “tunic of many colors” is that it was a tunic extending all the way down to the wrists and ankles, as opposed to a shorter one. This was not what a working man wore. It was a garment of privilege and status. [1]

Joseph was the ___________ son of Jacob.

2. What are the negative aspects of praising someone or showing favoritism? Read 1 John 2:16, Prov. 16:18

“God has a big destiny in mind for Joseph—and He knew that prideful attitude would have to go, if Joseph were to succeed.”[2]

Gen. 37:5-8

1. Actions of:

a. Joseph-

b. Brothers-

2. Why do you think Joseph shared his dream with his brothers?

Gen. 37:9-11

1. Actions of:

i. Joseph:

ii. Brothers:

2. Why do you think Joseph’s brothers reacting so negatively to Joseph’s dreams?

3. What can jealousy do to a person? Read Gen. 4:6-7, Acts 13:44-45.

Gen. 37:12-36

1. How do the brothers react to Joseph when they see him coming?

2. Why might Reuben have responded in this way? Read Gen. 35:22

3. What becomes of Joseph after he is sold into slavery?


1. How have you played the part of Joseph’s brothers? What hurt did it cause?

2. How have you played the part of Joseph in your life and family? What was the outcome?

Joseph had to be ___________before he could live out his God-given destiny.

[1] Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 37." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 6 Sep 2012.
[2]Morris, Robert. From Dream to Destiny: The Ten Tests You Must Go Through to Fulfill God’s Purpose for Your Life. (Ventura: Regal Books), 17.


Dear Ladies,
What a privilege and joy it is to serve you! I am so very excited for you as we begin this online study together. I’ve been praying for you; praying that through our time in the Word we would abandon ourselves to the Lord Jesus in ways like never before, being changed by the gracious love and Truth of our Heavenly Father.
I love the story of Joseph. Why? Because it’s real life! It speaks to us in our times of waiting, our times of pain, and confusion. Perhaps, you’re wondering if this study is for you. Let me ask you a few questions: Have ever been wronged by a person? Experienced rejection? Had to wait for something? Been wrongly accused? Been prideful or arrogant? Jealous? Desperate? If so, then this study is for you.
My dear friends, God has a God-given destiny for your life. Above all He desires for you to know Him more intimately. He wants you to fall in love with Him more and more, because He is madlyin love with you! He has more for your life. The life of Joseph is such a wonderful picture to us about the grace of God. You see, no one can stop His plans for us. No one. No power in Hell, no scheme of man.
The road to Joseph’s destiny was not an easy road, but it was a road he needed. God has to prepare our hearts for the unique destiny He has for us. The other day I was reading in the book of John and I came across John 15:2, “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” God is the Gardener, Jesus the True Vine, and we the branches. Here’s what struck me: the branches aren’t left alone. They’re either cut off or pruned. To prune very basically means to cut so more fruit can grow.
Ladies, just like Joseph, we have got some character traits that the Lord has got to cut off so we can bear more fruit. It’s okay. It’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s actually quite freeing and beautiful. Sure it’s painful, but it’s a redemptive pain. I know you want to be free. Jesus longs for you to be free too, in fact, He delights in making you free. He wantsall of you, not just bits and pieces, but all. When we learn to surrender all to Him, we will also learn to trust God with our destiny, just like Joseph did.
Let’s dive in, holding nothing back! Please feel free to ask questions and leave comments on the blog. That's how we build community! :)
Your sister in Christ,
Andrea <><