Monday, November 19, 2012

The Life of Joseph His Destiny and Yours: Part 5

Our newest online lesson and study guide has been posted.  Please follow the link here Online Lesson to listen!  You will find the study guide below.

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part V


Genesis 42:7-26


Genesis 42:7-23


1.       Joseph speaks harshly to his brothers (v.7) and accuses them of being spies (v.9).  What might Joseph’s intention be?  (see v. 15-16, 19)




2.      Are Joseph’s brothers truly remorseful? Why or why not? (v. 21-22)




“Joseph was overcome with emotion as he saw and understood this work of God in the conscience of his brothers. God had to do a profound work in the hearts of these brothers for the relationship to be reconciled.”[1]



3.      How or why does sin haunt us?  Read 1 John 1:8-10




4.      How can Jesus help us overcome the guilt of our sin?  Read Heb. 7:27, Ps. 103:12




Genesis 42:24-26


1.       Joseph was a very powerful figure in Egypt.  If he had pride or bitterness in his heart, how might his response have been different?  (v. 24)



*Extra Insight- Read Ephesians 4:26-27



“For all his apparent harshness towards his brothers, this action proves that he still loves them and that if they continue to show a change of heart, reconciliation will be possible ultimately.”[2]


2.      Why does Joseph send his brothers off without revealing himself to them?






1.       Bitterness can grow deep roots in our hearts if we don’t address them.  How do these roots affect our daily life and relationships?




2.      Joseph’s brothers sin came crashing down on them.   What do you do with the guilt of your sin?




3.      How do we “give the devil a foothold” by having an unrepentant heart?





Joseph was able to __________ his brothers the wrong they caused him because of the character God built in his heart.

[1] Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 42." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 4 Sep 2012.
[2] Wenham, 409.


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