Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 6

Our final lesson has been posted.  Ever struggled with forgiveness?  Going through a long trail and in need of encouragement and hope?  Joseph's life is a great example to us about the amazing power of forgiveness and the triumphant plan of God even in the midst of suffering.

Please follow this link to listen to the lesson! You will find the study guide below!  Blessings! 
The Life of Joseph:  His Destiny and Yours Part VI

Genesis 45:1-15, 50:15-21


Genesis 45:1-15

1.      Why do you think Joseph’s brothers were terrified at his presence? 


2.      It is obvious that God has done a mighty work in Joseph’s heart.  Through Joseph’s long period of suffering what does he come to realize? (v.5,8)



*Extra Insight- “He quickly took from their shoulders all the blame for an ugly deed, as he sought to interpret to them the plan and purpose of God.  It was his way of centering their attention on the one supreme consideration.  The providential purpose was more significant than any minor act of mortal man.”[1]

3.      Joseph reassured his brothers he would not seek revenge.  Why do we or others feel the need to seek revenge?




*Application- Read Romans 12:19



4.      They say hindsight is 20/20.  How do you maintain faith when your circumstances are bleak?



Genesis 50:15-21

1.      Joseph’s brothers are overtaken with fear.  Why?



2.      How might God want to use the pains and struggles of your life to “accomplish” something (v.20)?  Have you asked Him?



3.      Do you find comfort knowing your struggle is for a purpose? Why or why not?




*Extra Insight- “All the episodes in the Joseph story contribute to demonstrating how God’s purposes are ultimately fulfilled through and in spite of human deeds, whether or not those deeds are morally right.”[2]



1.      Do you believe God is working for your good regardless of your circumstances? Read Romans 8:28, Phil. 1:6, Phil 2:13.




2.      What about your dreams?  Are you dreaming too small?




3.      What do you believe is the greatest Truth about God and yourself that you can take from this study? 






Joseph suffered a great deal of heartache but he learned that through perseverance and allowing God to change him there is __________.


[1] Wycliffe, 43.
[2] Wenham, 432.

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Life of Joseph His Destiny and Yours: Part 5

Our newest online lesson and study guide has been posted.  Please follow the link here Online Lesson to listen!  You will find the study guide below.

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part V


Genesis 42:7-26


Genesis 42:7-23


1.       Joseph speaks harshly to his brothers (v.7) and accuses them of being spies (v.9).  What might Joseph’s intention be?  (see v. 15-16, 19)




2.      Are Joseph’s brothers truly remorseful? Why or why not? (v. 21-22)




“Joseph was overcome with emotion as he saw and understood this work of God in the conscience of his brothers. God had to do a profound work in the hearts of these brothers for the relationship to be reconciled.”[1]



3.      How or why does sin haunt us?  Read 1 John 1:8-10




4.      How can Jesus help us overcome the guilt of our sin?  Read Heb. 7:27, Ps. 103:12




Genesis 42:24-26


1.       Joseph was a very powerful figure in Egypt.  If he had pride or bitterness in his heart, how might his response have been different?  (v. 24)



*Extra Insight- Read Ephesians 4:26-27



“For all his apparent harshness towards his brothers, this action proves that he still loves them and that if they continue to show a change of heart, reconciliation will be possible ultimately.”[2]


2.      Why does Joseph send his brothers off without revealing himself to them?






1.       Bitterness can grow deep roots in our hearts if we don’t address them.  How do these roots affect our daily life and relationships?




2.      Joseph’s brothers sin came crashing down on them.   What do you do with the guilt of your sin?




3.      How do we “give the devil a foothold” by having an unrepentant heart?





Joseph was able to __________ his brothers the wrong they caused him because of the character God built in his heart.

[1] Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 42." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 4 Sep 2012.
[2] Wenham, 409.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 4

You will find the study guide and link to our 4th Online Lesson for our Women's Small Group "The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours. 

Please follow this link to listen:

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part IV

Genesis 41:37-46, Gen. 42:1-6


Genesis 41:37-46


1.       What does Pharaoh recognize about Joseph?




*Extra Insight- Pharaoh “appointed him the grand vizier or prime minister.   He set him over the entire kingdom, next to himself.”[1]



2.      What do you think went on in Joseph’s mind after Pharaoh’s decision to put him in charge?




3.      Why do you think Joseph experienced God’s blessing so abundantly?




4.      Read  Luke 7:36-50.  What can we learn from the people in this story? 


The Sinful Woman:



Simon the Pharisee:



The beauty of this woman is that she realized how much she needed Jesus.  She was bankrupt before His feet.  While this woman may have had more outward sin, Simon still had sin in his heart.  For those of us who walk in self-righteousness like Simon did it can be harder for us to see our sin and need for Christ because our sin is not so outward, but more inward.  This is why true self-examination and authenticity is so important in our relationship with Christ and others.   


Genesis 42:1-6


1.       Why might Jacob be afraid to send Benjamin?



2.      What does v. 6 remind you of?  Why is this important?




“His character has undergone a remarkable transformation…He is no longer the brash teenager whose careless chatter annoyed everyone.  Now Joseph is intelligent and wise without peer in Egypt.  The vale of tears has proved to be the valley of soul making.”[2]





Robert Morris says in his book, From Dream to Destiny:  “God has big dreams for all of us, just as He did for Joseph—and He will persevere as He seeks to get rid of anything that stands in the way.”[3]


1.       Do you think this is true for your own life?  Why or why not?





2.      What might be standing in the way of God’s dream for your life?





3.      What do you think it means to be bankrupt before the Lord?







Even through trail Jacob remained ____________ to God.

[1] Charles F. Pfeiffer and Everett F. Harrison, eds. The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. (Chicago: Moody Press), 41.
[2] Wenham, Gordon. 399.
[3] Morris, Robert. 18.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 3

Please follow this link to listen to our online lesson!  You'll find the study guide for this lesson below!
The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part III


Read Genesis 40:1-23, Gen. 41:1-16



Genesis 40:1-8, 14-15, 20-23


1.      Who are the cupbearer and the baker?



2.      Why are they sad?



*Extra Insight-“The Egyptians shared a belief, widespread in antiquity, that “sleep puts us in real and direct contact with the other world where not only the dead but also the gods dwell.  Dreams therefore are a gift from the gods” (Vergote, Joseph en Egypt, 48).”[1]


3.      What does Joseph declare concerning their dreams? Why is this important in light of Joseph’s past? (v.8)





4.      What does Joseph asks of the cupbearer? (v.14-15)




*Application-What does God’s Word tell us about our troubles? 2 Cor. 4:17, 1 Pet. 5:10





Genesis 41:1, 9-16


1.      After two full years the cupbearer remembers.  What does Pharaoh do in light of this new information?



2.      Once again Joseph acknowledges God’s power to interpret the dream.  What do you think Joseph learned about God during the extra two years of waiting?




*Application- What can we learn from the Apostle Paul about suffering?  Phil. 3:7-10



“God planned for Joseph to step into the dream at the age of 30—and He knew that could never happen until Joseph had dealt with that pride.  So God allowed Joseph to see the big dream at 17, so the pride of his heart could be exposed and dealt with.”[2]





1.      Have you ever gotten your hopes up to only have them dashed?  How did it feel?





2.      Joseph had to wait 13 years before He was brought to a place of leadership (41:46).  How have you experienced God’s blessing after a long period of waiting like Joseph’s?






“Joseph is a good example of a man who seemed to have all the gifts and talents for leadership, but God developed his character and talents over many years. Gifts and talents may be impressive and immediate, but character is what God looks for and always takes time to develop.”[3]






On the way to Joseph’s destiny God was in the process of building Godly____________ in him.

[1] Wenham, Gordon. Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 16-50. Vo. 2 (Dallas: Word Books Publisher), 382.
[2] Morris, 18.
[3] Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 41." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 29 Aug 2012. <http://
AuthorID=2&contentID=7361&commInfo=31&topic=Genesis >

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Life of Joseph: Video Lesson #2

During this lesson we look at Genesis 39 the temptation and the unjust imprisonment of Joseph.  Often times difficulties, such as Joseph experienced cause us to question God.

Where is God is our confusing times?  Here we talk about how God desires for us to see the bigger picture and trust Him through the struggle.

Please click the link to listen and watch!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part 2

The Life of Joseph: His Destiny and Yours Part II
Read Genesis 39:1-23
Gen. 39:1-6
1. How is Joseph experiencing God’s favor?

2. What did Potiphar recognize in Joseph’s life?

Why is this important for us as Christ-followers today?

3. Why was Joseph successful?

Gen. 39:7-20
1. Why does Joseph decline Potiphar’s wife sexual advance? List 3 reasons.
“When I regarded God as a tyrant, I thought sin a trifle; but when I knew him to be my father, then I mourned that I could ever have kicked against him. When I thought that God was hard, I found it easy to sin; but when I found God so kind, so good, so overflowing with compassion, I smote upon my breast to think that I could ever have rebelled against one who loved me so, and sought my good (Spurgeon).”[1]
2. Looking at v. 10, what might it imply?
How is sin progressive? What can we learn from Joseph?

3. How does she respond to his rejection?

Gen. 39:21-23
1. What happens to Joseph while he is in prison?  
Let’s reflect on Joseph’s circumstances. Genesis 39:2 says, “The Lord was with Joseph, so he became a successful man.” Which from the outside looking in, he was successful. However, Gen. 39:21 also says, “the Lord was with him, he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.”


2. Does this look like favor from our perspective? Why or why not?

“Every time you venture out in your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common sense is not faith, and faith is not common sense.”[2]
*Application-What does the life of Joseph and God’s Word teach us about our painful/confusing circumstances? Romans 5:3-5, Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28

1. What about your own life? Have you ever been falsely accused?

2. Have you ever felt abandoned by God? How did you respond?

On the way to his destiny Joseph would learn to trust in God’s ________.

[1]Guzik, David. "Study Guide for Genesis 39." Enduring Word. Blue Letter Bible. 7 Jul 2006. 2012. 6 Sep 2012.
[2] Oswald Chambers and James Reimann, My Utmost for His Highest - Updated, Rev Upd ed. (Grand Rapids. MI: Discovery House Publishers, 2006), Aug. 29.